วันจันทร์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Computer Network.

Computer Network.

Computer Network Computer Networking.

TEACHER: Phaitoon Yaemprasuan: Occupatech@gmail.com. 

What is Computer Network? Why?

If any Computer is Connected to others it is not called. "a stand-alone Machine".   Today if anyone uses any stand-alone Machine, Must he be considered a Stranger because today is the World of Computer networks. A network machine can send / receive packets (bits of data per second) to / from any other machines eg Internet. Our computers / tablet PCs / smart phones can never be alone anymore. Yes, they have been connected to their networks both local (eg the networks in our school) and global (eg Internet). We can share our resources such as files, printers etc. To each other through our local area network (LAN) or we can exchange our data through the wide area network (WAN) like Internet.

What is a computer network? Why?

If the computer is not connected to anyone. It will be called. "The lonely" and if someone is using a computer. Would be regarded as distorted or not? The world today has become the world's computer networks already. Computers connected to the network. I can send / receive data. To / from other machines, such as the Internet, computer / tablet / smart phone, so we could not live alone anymore. Because it must be connected to the network. The local network (such as network within our school) and the global network (eg the Internet), we are able to share resources, such as files, printers and other network. Break open the Network (LAN), or we can exchange information through a broad network with the Internet.

What / How of the Network in Comp102 Classroom?

Computer networks. Comp 102 class. What kind / how.

B. ecause the operating Software (OS) of all Computers in Classroom-102 is Windows7, so any students who Use them, those Machines, should better understand how they Work, especially how to Use the Network of them. 

Transvestite. , because the operating system software. (OS) of all the computers in the classroom is 102 Windows7 so students would need to know. It has to work. Particular network. 

 O. ur Computers in.  Comp102 Classroom.  are Connected Together with the UTP (unshielded Twisted Pair) Cables. Why? Because the unshielded Cables are Lower cost than the shielded Cables which have been used in the Signal noisy areas eg airports, factories, etc. The style. of their connection is "Star Topology" which each machine has its own cable which connects directly to the hub / switch. A hub / switch is the center point of cables (both devices are similar to each other but a switch is more clever than a. hub). Well our network is called Local Area Network (LAN). Any LAN must has its workgroup name which required by the Operating System (OS) of each computer, Windows7. But the administrator (the teacher) of this LAN named it ". comp2 "workgroup.  

Transvestite. 102 air-classroom computer with a network connection. Non-shielded twisted pair cable. Or call the TPI. Why is this? This is because it is cheaper. Cable insulation. Used in areas with signal interference, such as airports, ports, industrial plants, etc., and to twist it enough to prevent signal interference. Which form or topology of the LAN. Be a star topology. That is all it takes to have their own cable to link to the hub / switch. Considered as the center of the cable itself. (The two devices do the same. The switch is capable of handling over the line without any connection. Switch it off from the system, etc.), network system, called by Landon Landon each loop must have a name, workgroup class is defined as 102 teachers comp2. 

I. F we consider only the "Comp2-workgroup LAN", it is a peer-to-peer Network every Machine that is independent from Each other but its shares Files / Folders / Printers to its peers. On the other hand, when this workgroup connects to the server computer of "the School Media Center", it must be a client-server network. 
If considering only network Comp 102 class. It is what it is. Network - friends - to - peer or peer-to-peer means that Each computer in the LAN network will be independent of each other. Only came together a ถ้อยทีถ้อยอาศัยกัน among friends there. On the other handIf brought to the LAN connected to the host computer or server computer in the school media center network will become. "Server - client" or Server-Client Network.

W. Hat is about the client-Server Network? It means that the Server Computer of "the Media Center" is the Manager / BOSS of other Computers which are only the clients. The Server Computer has been installed with the operating-Software-for-. server such as Windows2003server/Windows2008server, Linux or Unix, which can manage the client computers of the network. The clients have to obey the server because the latter has the power to control / ban the former. Yes, the clients can never control / manage. the server. 
 Transvestite. networks model. Server-Client Network is any? It also means that Computer server (Server) is the media center. President / Mr. Of the Other. Whose status as a supporter, or just that the Client can manage servers across its clients that It has installed a server operating system software out there such Windows2003server/Windows2008server, Linux or Unix, which allows their clients to be managed. Because of server system software can control / ban other machines while other machines. Can not manage the server itself.

The Common Personal Computer that was installed with the Linux Server Operating System.  
PCs flowers. Taken to be the server. By the operating system installation, Lee Enix for vending machines.

E. very Machine in the Network is Required to have its unique "hostname" and "IP address". Only the Server Computer has the "static IP-address" while the IP addresses of the client Computers are "Dynamic" specified / controlled by the. sever. If the user of any client computer specify the static IP address himself, the server computer can never share the Internet connection because the "IP address conflict" problem could be occurred easily. Then the alien client will be kicked off / faded away from. the network simultaneously. Yes, the server computer is the "Internet gateway" of the network. 

York. environment pewter every machine must have a unique, unique the Hostname and need the code number marked with the IP-address. In the LAN, it will be just the server or server only. The dress code IPL static with static IP-address, called the IP Asset dress the workstation will not be a static or Dynamic IP for the code. The server is expected to handle their own principles to FIFO (First In, First Out) implies that The client can not connect to the server before it'll have been paid code IP before - back in order, but if the workstation where to run the code IPL dress itself. is fixed by it. The computer. Server is shades head out of the system. Otherwise, it may cause problems in the system code IP collision. And servers as the Internet gateway or exit the system. I will not share the internet connection with that machine.  

O. K., after Selecting the "Local Area Network" option, the "Local Area Network Connection Status" Window appears. You Can See its Speed ​​of packets Transmission (100 Mbps. ), bytes of the sent / received. packets.  

owed. capacity of the students to choose "Local Area Network" window called "Local Area Network.  
Connection Status ", it appeared to be real. This way students will see that. Speed ​​of the network, how to send a packet's. (Number of bits of data in seconds) that the ants just a speed of 100 million bits per second, do not forget that it is set to 8-bit bytes. 

T. Hen, when You Click on the "Properties" Button, another Window shows. To Find and Select the "Internet Protocol Version) option, You Can See its IPAddress has been Obtained Automatically by the Gateway / Server Computer (of the School Media Center. .) 

Then I click on properties, we find that clients are using. IP code will be paid automatically. As mentioned above. (If the code is fixed, it must come to this), but is typically set by me. 

A. nother One I Would like to Refer to is "Protocol". What is it? A.  Protocol. (www.wikipedia.org).  is a System of Digital Message formats and rules for Exchanging those messages in or between computing and in Telecommunications Systems.  And in our Network we Use the TCP / IP (comes from "Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol).   Now Thailand uses IPv4 Protocol, but Thai Government by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is going to Change the Internet Protocol of the Country with another Version,. IPv6 protocol, which has more capacity and efficiency of transmission. 

, there is another story that I want to mention is the "protocol" What is it? If you think that this word, it is the language used in diplomatic circles him. Is the need for communication between the ambassadors of various countries. He would need a way to standard regulatory approvals. That understanding. And he called the protocol of the computer industry is to borrow the terminology he used. Of a computer network protocol.  (www.wikipedia.org).  was. System model. oriented digital news and rules.Of exchange between computer systems and telecommunications. The day. We use the network protocol is TCP / IP (transmission control protocol. And Internet protocols.)  and The Thailand government. Under the leadership of His Excellency Yingluck Shinawatra was modified protocol of the internet nation. While this is the version 4 to version 6 to support the network. And increasing efficiency.

